Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Beetle is finally painted!!!

Im terribly sorry i have not updated anything on my blog but i have been really busy with work and blah blah blah...... but i was also preoccupied with updates on My 65 VW Beetle ..... for the past 3 months it was slowly being prep'ed for paint.... and today it as finally finished.......

From Mo's Beetle

From Mo's Beetle

next is the engine.....the transmission.... the breks.... the wiring.... the upholstering ....arrggghhh when will it end.......


Ninja said...



Next gathering you must bring her k. Does she have a name?

Pixelated Mo said...
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Pixelated Mo said...

HER??!!??..... it is still a long ways more.... and no 'it' doesnt have a name... :P

so when's the next gathering....?

Anonymous said...

wow. looks incredible bro...

keep the faith dude... keep the faith :-)

Pixelated Mo said...

its been about 4 years.... whats another year.... ;)

lived-legna said...

"She" is an amazing colour Mo!

Fiona-Jane Gomez said...


Pixelated Mo said...

thanks girls.... the paint job turned out better than i imagned.

hey whats with this "she she" all... its a car!!

ok ok as rose puts it "shes" my first love :) kekeke...

Visithra said...

ohh my wowsy