Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Jungle Fever Annual Dinner

My company had their 7th annual dinner last friday. The theme was Jungle Fever but some of us got ahead of ourselves and made it a costume party. Overall the event was a runaway success... we all had a blast... and i managed to win an iPod Shuffler through the lucky draw.
(The social commettee that organised the event .....before and after shot)

(Indy vs The Grimreaper) .................................(The Commandos)

(Mr Cow....................................Lucy Lawless............and the Grimreaper strikes again)


(the view from the ballroom)

(As usual Gentings watches over Klang Valley)




Charis.xX said...

Lucy Lawless, that is a RIOT! Really! Too funny indeed! Thanks for the smile today. Peace, Charis.xX

Pixelated Mo said...

always a pleasure...

Anonymous said...

huhuhuh...i m missing out from the picture :(

Pixelated Mo said...

yah lah ...you left us what!... photoshop yourself in lah... :)