Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lets Kick Some Ass!!!

Hot Fuzz…. was so hilarious lah…. I was in stitches watching this movie…. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost were fantastic together, but then again I liked their outing in Shaun of The Dead better…. So if you loved Shaun, you would love this movie too… Well …I was thoroughly entertained so I will give Hot Fuzz a 9/10….. by the way Shaun of The Dead is 10/10 for me…

Wicker Man is the 3rd and last Nicholas Cage movie… in my quest to see if I really really hate him or not…… I really really hate him lah…I really do……. he has the same dopey look which makes me want to slap his face silly… Anyway this movie is a remake of a 70s classic. It was disturbingly stupid which left me with too many stupid questions like what the hell is he still doing there when he knows there’s something really strange going on in that place and he will need to get his ass off the island and bring in the big guns to nuke the place… Even the shocking ending does not make it any better….. 3/10

Dejavu had me going there…. for awhile at least…. Dejavu had me going there…. for awhile at least …. (Woah!… I just had a Dejavu moment)…… Then, somewhere half way into the movie…just as it starts to get really interesting …it crashed and burnt to the ground… with me feeling like a disappointed idiot…. It is official lah… the only time-travel movie which actual follows a proper time travel continuum, which made more sense then shoulder pads in a metallic green dress would be all three Back to The Future movies, with the Terminator series coming in second and 12 Monkeys a close third…….…. No other movie has done it better then Doc Brown and Marty McFly whizzing around in the Delorean…… …. Dejavu fails to deliver its story with conviction …….. 3.5/10 for me…. Maybe becos I expected more….hmmmm

If someone tells me, you need big boobs to be an ass kicking hot babe then I will have to tell them, No! You don’t need to have Double Ds to be an ass kicking Hot Babe!!... heck!... you don’t even need to kick any ass either, as Sabrina has shown in her post on Charlize Theron….but then again Charlize has kicked ass in Aeon Flux……. Anyway what I’m trying to say here is that Milla Jovovich is one hot ass kicking babe… as seen in all her Resident Evil movies… including the latest one, Extinction. This is a shootem up’ movie which you will enjoy if you turn your brain off…. But I must say there is a sense of Dejavu about the movie because it reminded me of so many other movies… Mad Max for most part of it……. Oh well, no points for originality… but I did enjoy the movie so it gets 6/10…

Ready to kick some ass!!!!!........




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