Thursday, April 26, 2007

Gunung Senyum 2007 Day 1 part 2

Some pics of the first Day...

These taken by Chin Yan Keat

Senyum!!......................................Gua Taman Dua

Tripod setup........

...and these taken by me.

Telaga Tujuh

2 seconds without flash........... 2 seconds with flash
The ceiling of Gua Terang Bulan

A few bugs..........

Cave Cricket

Spider 1

Spider 2

Spider 3... this one crawled up my leg and scared the gejibers out of me..




Visithra said...

spiders are scary and fascinating at the same time - creepy fellas ;p

Pixelated Mo said...

wait till i post picts of a scorpion spider i saw on the second day... now that was way cool

tihtahpah said...

when's the next trip???

Pixelated Mo said...

kekeke... dont know lah... will surely keep you informed..