ok fine... miss leggy scarnato is out ... serves her right... She sang like shit... her hair was wrong, her outfit was ridiculous and who the hell did her makeup
lah.... and what was that so called prancing she did all over the stage... it looked like she was doing a rooster walk or something.. Sad ..very sad... You know what ...I think its inevitable people... Sanjaya is the next American Idol.. :(
yaaaaaayyyy.....stupid hayley. I have to say I empathise with Sanjaya though. He does have a good voice, just very inexperienced!
I tagged you btw....go read mah blog!
why you dirty ^@$!@$*!%@!
in your famous words.........
There is hope yet for Melinda to prevail... Or any of the others. Except Sanjaya... Please Americans... anyone except him!
LL: you really think so?..
I dunnolah Mo, I have hope in mankind... But then again this is the American Idol and they did vote for the same moron twice...
Thank God the bugger is out!!!
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